Psoriasis — Classification and external resources A person whose back and arms are affected by psoriasis ICD 10 L … Wikipedia
Psoriasis — Classification internationale des maladies CIM 10 : L40 Le psoriasis est une maladie de la peau d origine mal connue, en partie génétique. Cette affection dermatologique touche 1 à 3 % de la population mondiale, aussi bien chez les femmes… … Wikipédia en Français
psoriasis — psoriatic /sawr ee at ik, sohr /, adj. /seuh ruy euh sis/, n. Pathol. a common chronic, inflammatory skin disease characterized by scaly patches. Also called psora. [1675 85; < NL < Gk psoríasis, equiv. to psoria , var. s. of psoriân to have the… … Universalium
Psoriasis vulgaris — The medical name for the most common form of psoriasis ( vulgaris means common). About 80% of people with psoriasis have this type. It is also called plaque psoriasis because of the characteristic plaques on the skin: well defined patches of red… … Medical dictionary
Psoriasis, erythrodermic — A particularly inflammatory form of psoriasis that often affects most of the body surface. It is the least common form of psoriasis and most commonly appears on people who have unstable plaque psoriasis, where lesions are not clearly defined. The … Medical dictionary
Psoriasis Area Severity Index — Der PASI Score ist ein Index zur Ermittlung des Schweregrades von Psoriasis Erkrankungen. Die Abkürzung PASI steht für Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, der Index beschreibt die Ausdehnung der Erkrankung und beschreibt den Schweregrad anhand der … Deutsch Wikipedia
discoid psoriasis — psoriasis characterized by round lesions with distinct borders; lesions may coalesce to form plaques, resulting in plaque psoriasis. Called also nummular p … Medical dictionary
Erythrodermic psoriasis — A particularly inflammatory form of psoriasis that often affects most of the body surface. It is the least common form of psoriasis and most commonly appears on people who have unstable plaque psoriasis, where lesions are not clearly defined. The … Medical dictionary
Napkin psoriasis — Napkin psoriasis, or psoriasis in the diaper area, is characteristically seen in infants between two and eight months of age.[1]:194 Gallery See also Psoriasis Skin lesion References ^ James, William; Berger, Timothy; Elston … Wikipedia
Drug-induced psoriasis — may be induced by beta blockers, lithium, antimalarials, terbinafine, calcium channel blockers, captopril, glyburide, granulocyte colony stimulating factor, interleukins, interferons, and lipid lowering drugs.[1]:197 See also Psoriasis Skin… … Wikipedia