- Pharyngitis
- Inflammation of the pharynx (hollow tube in the back of the throat about 5 inches long that starts behind the nose and ends at the top of the trachea). Pharyngitis is a common cause for a sore throat.
* * *Inflammation of the mucous membrane and underlying parts of the pharynx. [pharyng- + G. -itis, inflammation]- atrophic p. chronic p. accompanied by a varying degree of atrophy of the mucous glands and absence of their secretion. SYN: p. sicca.- membranous p. inflammation accompanied by a fibrinous exudate, forming a nondiphtheritic false membrane.- ulcerative p. inflammation of the pharynx marked by ulceration of the mucosa; may have a viral etiology.- ulceromembranous p. inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa with membranous debris overlying the ulcerative lesions.
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n.inflammation of the part of the throat behind the soft palate (pharynx). It produces sore throat and may be associated with tonsillitis.* * *
phar·yn·gi·tis (far″in-jiґtis) [pharyng- + -itis] inflammation of the pharynx. See also faucitis and tonsillitis. Called also sore throat. pharyngitic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.