- Perspiration
- 1) The secretion of fluid by the sweat (sudoriferous) glands. These small, tubular glands are situated within the skin, as well as in the subcutaneous tissue under it. They discharge their fluid through tiny openings in the surface of the skin. Perspiration serves at least two purposes: the removal of waste products such as urea and ammonia, and cooling of the body temperature as sweat evaporates. 2) The transparent, colorless, acidic fluid secreted by the sweat glands. It contains some fatty acids and mineral matter. Adult perspiration gains its characteristic odor from the waste products excreted. Also known as sweat.
* * *1. The excretion of fluid by the sweat glands of the skin. SYN: diaphoresis, sudation, sweating. SEE ALSO: sweat. 2. All fluid loss through normal skin, whether by sweat gland secretion or by diffusion through other skin structures. 3. The hypotonic fluid excreted by the sweat glands; it consists of water containing sodium chloride and phosphate, urea, ammonia, ethereal sulfates, creatinine, fats, and other waste products; the average daily quantity is estimated at about 1500 g. SYN: sudor. SEE ALSO: sweat (1). [L. per-spiro, pp. -atus, to breathe everywhere]- insensible p. p. that evaporates before it is perceived as moisture on the skin; the term sometimes includes evaporation from the lungs.- sensible p. the p. excreted in large quantity, or when there is much humidity in the atmosphere, so that it appears as moisture (sweat) on the skin.
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1) the act or process of perspiring2) a saline fluid that is secreted by the sweat glands, that consists chiefly of water containing sodium chloride and other salts, nitrogenous substances (as urea), carbon dioxide, and other solutes, and that serves both as a means of excretion and as a regulator of body temperature through the cooling effect of its evaporation* * *
n.sweat or the process of sweating. Insensible perspiration is sweat that evaporates immediately from the skin and is therefore not visible; sensible perspiration is visible on the skin in the form of drops.* * *
per·spi·ra·tion (pur″spĭ-raґshən) [L. perspirare to breathe through] 1. sweating. 2. sweat.
Medical dictionary. 2011.