- insuf
- insufflation
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
insuf — • insufflation … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Monitoring and Measurement in the Next Generation Technologies — (MOMENT) is a project aimed at integrating different platforms for network monitoring and measurement to develop a common and open pan European infrastructure. The system will include both passive and active monitoring and measurement techniques… … Wikipedia
Cateterismo cardíaco derecho — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Diagrama del catéter de la arteria pulmonar in situ. 1. Luz proximal, 2. Termistor, 3. Luz de inflado del balón, 4. Luz distal. A. Vena cava superior, B. Aurícula derecha, C. Ventrículo derecho, D. Arteria pulmonar … Wikipedia Español
Enfermedad de Alexander — Imagen de una leucodistrofia en una niña de 18 meses. Posible Enfermedad de Alexander Clasificación y recursos externos CIE 10 … Wikipedia Español
Ägypten [3] — Ägypten (Gesch.). Die Urbewohner Ä s waren nach Herodot ein Volk von dunkler Hautfarbe u. vollen Lippen, aber keine Neger. Zu ihnen wanderte ein asiatisches, der kaukasischen Race angehörendes Volk semitischen Stammes von lichterer Farbe, hohem… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
rationalism — A general tendency in Islamic thought that emphasizes the primacy of reason or intellect (‘aql) over tradition (naql). Rationalist theologians and philosophers believe that God’s existence, His unity and attributes, the origin and order of the … Islamic philosophy dictionary
insufficiente — /insuf:i tʃɛnte/ agg. [dal lat. tardo insufficiens entis, der. di sufficiens entis, part. pres. di sufficĕre bastare , col pref. in in 2 ]. 1. [inferiore al necessario, che non basta a raggiungere un certo fine, anche con le prep. a, per : aule i … Enciclopedia Italiana
insufficienza — /insuf:i tʃɛntsa/ s.f. [dal lat. tardo insufficientia ]. 1. a. [l essere insufficiente: i. di provviste ] ▶◀ carenza, (ant.) cortezza, deficienza, penuria, scarsezza, scarsità. ↑ mancanza. ‖ esiguità, limitatezza, miseria, pochezza, povertà.… … Enciclopedia Italiana
meager — meager, scanty, scant, skimpy, scrimpy, exiguous, spare, sparse are comparable when they mean so small (as in amount, number, or size) as to fall short of what is normal, necessary, or desirable. Meager stresses thinness: as applied to persons or … New Dictionary of Synonyms