
: Sexual fondness and activity of adults with children. Pedophilia is a form of paraphilia (deviant sexual behavior). Pedophilia is sexual child abuse. Child abuse comprises four basic types of mistreatment: child neglect, physical abuse of a child, emotional abuse of a child, and sexual abuse of a child. Sexual abuse is the least frequently reported form of child abuse (6% of all cases). Experts believe that sexual abuse may be the most underreported type of child maltreatment because of the secrecy, the "conspiracy of silence" that so often surrounds these cases. Sexual abuse includes fondling a child's genitals, intercourse, incest, rape, sodomy, exhibitionism, and commercial exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials. The diagnosis, treatment and prevention of sexual child abuse are complex. Several points might be made here: The diagnosis of sexual child abuse involves a thorough nonjudgmental history of the immediate events as well as a review of potential similar experiences often independently done by a physician, social worker, and the police department. A complete physical exam of the child which may include the taking of photographs to document sexual abuse is necessarily followed by x- rays and possible laboratory tests. Pedophiles (people who have sexually abused children) often require intense psychological and pharmacological therapy prior to release into the community, because of the high rate of repeat offenders. Children’s school programs regarding “good touch...bad touch” can provide parents and other caregivers with a forum in which to role- play and learn to avoid potentially harmful scenarios. Parents should make sure that their child’s daycare center/preschool is licensed and has an open door policy regarding parental visitation.
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In psychiatry, an abnormal attraction to children by an adult for sexual purposes. [G. pais, child, + philos, fond]

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pe·do·phil·ia .pēd-ə-'fil-ē-ə, .ped- or chiefly Brit pae·do·phil·ia .pēd- n sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object

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pe·do·phil·ia (pe″do-filґe-ə) [pedo-1 + -philia] [DSM-IV] a paraphilia in which an adult has recurrent, intense sexual urges or sexually arousing fantasies of engaging in or repeatedly engages in sexual activity with a prepubertal child. pedophilic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • pedophilia — 1905, from Gk. pais (gen. paidos) child (see PEDO (Cf. pedo )) + philos loving see PHILE (Cf. phile)). First attested in Havelock Ellis …   Etymology dictionary

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  • pedophilia — /pee deuh fil ee euh/, n. Psychiatry. sexual desire in an adult for a child. [1905 10; < NL; see PEDO 1, PHILIA] * * * ▪ sexual behaviour also spelled  Paedophilia,         psychosexual disorder in which an adult s arousal and sexual… …   Universalium

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