
Adjective from the Latin "parietalis" meaning "belonging to the wall" that the ancient anatomists used to designate the wall, as of a body cavity. For examples, there are the: {{}}Parietal bonethe main side bone of the skull. Parietal lobethe main side lobe of the brain (it is beneath the parietal bone). Parietal pericardiumthe outer membrane around the heart. Parietal peritoneumthe membrane lining the abdominal cavity (as opposed to the visceral peritoneum that envelops the abdominal organs).
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1. Relating to the wall of any cavity. 2. SYN: somatic (1). 3. SYN: somatic (2). 4. Relating to the p. bone.

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pa·ri·etal -'-ət-əl adj
1) of or relating to the walls of a part or cavity compare VISCERAL
2) of, relating to, or located in the upper posterior part of the head specif relating to the parietal bones
parietal n a parietal part (as a bone)

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1. of or relating to the inner walls of a body cavity, as opposed to the contents: applied particularly to the membranes lining a cavity (see peritoneum, pleura).
2. of or relating to the parietal bone.

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pa·ri·e·tal (pə-riґə-təl) [L. parietalis] 1. of or pertaining to the walls of a cavity. 2. pertaining to or located near the parietal bone, as the parietal lobe.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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