- Paraphimosis
- A condition in which the foreskin of the penis, once retracted, cannot return to its original location. The foreskin remains trapped behind the groove of the coronal sulcus between the shaft and the glans. This causes blood to pool in the veins behind the entrapment, leading to swelling and severe pain. The foreskin, with lubrication, can sometimes be reduced. This works only if the paraphimosis is discovered early, and requires a short-acting general anesthetic or heavy sedation. Circumcision can both prevent and cure paraphimosis.
* * *1. Painful constriction of the glans penis by a phimotic foreskin, which has been retracted behind the corona. 2. See p. palpebrae. [para- + G. phimosis]
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para·phi·mo·sis -fī-'mō-səs, -fi- n, pl -mo·ses -.sēz a condition in which the foreskin is retracted behind the glans penis and cannot be brought back to its original position* * *
n.retraction and constriction of the foreskin behind the glans penis. This occurs in some patients with phimosis on erection of the penis: the tight foreskin cannot be drawn back over the glans and becomes painful and swollen. Manual replacement of the foreskin can usually be achieved under local or general anaesthesia, but circumcision is required to prevent a recurrence.* * *
para·phi·mo·sis (par″ə-fi-moґsis) [para- + phimosis] retraction of phimotic foreskin, causing a painful swelling of the glans; severe cases may cause dry gangrene. See also phimosis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.