- 3H-DHE
- tritiated dihydroergocryptine
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
dhē-2 — dhē 2 English meaning: to put, place Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘setzen, stellen, legen” Material: O.Ind. dádhüti, Av. daδüiti “ he places “, O.Pers. Impf. sg. adadü “ he has installed “, O.Ind. Aor.á dhü m “I placed”, Med. 3. sg.… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
dhē(i)- (besides dh-ei-?) — dhē(i) (besides dh ei ?) English meaning: to suck Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘saugen, säugen” Note: (: dhǝi , dhī̆ and dhē , dhǝ ) s. esp. Schulze KZ. 27, 425 = Kl. Schr. 363. Material: O.Ind. dhüya ḥ “ nourishing, nursing “,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
dhē-1, redupl. dhē-dh(ē)- — dhē 1, redupl. dhē dh(ē) English meaning: child word for “grandparents” Deutsche Übersetzung: Lallwort der Kindersprache for ältere Familienglieder Material: Gk. θεῖος “uncle”, θεία “aunt” (*θη ος, θη ᾱ), τήθη “grandmother” (from … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
DHE — steht für: Diffie Hellman Schlüsselaustausch Delmenhorst Harpstedter Eisenbahn Dihydroergotamin Design Human Engineering, eine Methodologie psychologischer Einflussnahme, die von Richard Bandler entwickelt wurde. Dhe bezeichnet: den Sindhi… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dhe — dhe·gi·ha; sa·dhe; … English syllables
dhē-3, dhǝ- — dhē 3, dhǝ English meaning: to disappear Deutsche Übersetzung: “hinschwinden”? Material: Lat. famēs f. “hunger”, ad fatim, affatim “ad lassitudinem, zur Genũge”, fatīgō “hetze ab, ermũde”, fatīscō, or “gehe auseinander;… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
DHE — can refer to: Dihydroergotamine Design Human Engineering, a methodology of psychological influence developed by Richard Bandler. Diffie Hellman key exchange, a method in public key cryptography. This disambiguation page lists articles associated… … Wikipedia
Dhe|gi|ha — «DAY gee hah», noun. a division of the Siouan stock of North American Indians … Useful english dictionary
dhē(i)- — To suck. Contracted from *dheə₁(i) . Derivatives include female, fawn2, fetus, fennel, and affiliate. 1. Suffixed reduced form *dhē mnā . female, feme, feminine; effeminate, from Latin … Universalium
dhē- — To set, put. Contracted from *dheə₁ . Derivatives include deed, doom, fashion, defeat, feckless, sacrifice, satisfy, face, and synthesis. I. Basic form … Universalium
Dhe (Cyrillic) — Cyrillic letter Dhe Unicode (hex) majuscule: U+0498 minuscule: U+0499 … Wikipedia