
The removal of fluid from a body cavity using a needle, trocar, cannula, or other hollow instrument. A paracentesis may be diagnostic or therapeutic as, for example, in ascites where there is free fluid in the abdominal (peritoneal) cavity. If the cause of the ascites is uncertain, diagnostic paracentesis is done in order to obtain fluid to examine. Therapeutic paracentesis may then be done to remove more fluid, as part of the plan of treatment. Paracentesis of the chest cavity is called a thoracentesis.
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The passage into a cavity of a trocar and cannula, needle, or other hollow instrument for the purpose of removing fluid; variously designated according to the cavity punctured. SYN: tapping (2). [G. parakentesis, a tapping for dropsy, fr. para, beside, + kentesis, puncture]

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para·cen·te·sis .par-ə-(.)sen-'-səs n, pl -te·ses -.sēz a surgical puncture of a bodily cavity (as of the abdomen) with a trocar, aspirator, or other instrument usu. to draw off an abnormal effusion for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes

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tapping: the process of drawing off fluid from a part of the body through a hollow needle or cannula. In ophthalmology, it involves an incision into the anterior chamber of the eye.

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para·cen·te·sis (parə-sen-teґsis) [para- + -centesis] surgical puncture of a cavity with a needle or other hollow instrument for diagnostic or therapeutic aspiration of fluid. paracentetic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • paracentesis — f. cirug. Punción quirúrgica de una cavidad (pleural, peritoneal, tímpano, pericardio, etc.) generalmente realizada para eliminar líquido acumulado. Medical Dictionary. 2011. paracentesi …   Diccionario médico

  • paracentesis — (plural paracentesis) sustantivo femenino 1. Área: medicina Pinchazo en una cavidad del cuerpo humano para extraer el líquido que contiene …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • paracentesis — (Del lat. paracentēsis, y este del gr. παρακέντησις). f. Med. Punción que se hace en el vientre para evacuar la serosidad acumulada anormalmente en la cavidad del peritoneo …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Paracentesis — Par a*cen*te sis (p[a^]r [.a]*s[e^]n*t[=e] s[i^]s), n. [L., fr. Gr. parake nthsis, fr. parakentei^n to pierce at the side, to tap.] (Med.) The perforation of a cavity of the body with a trocar, aspirator, or other suitable instrument, for the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • paracentesis — (n.) 1590s, from Gk. parakentesis, from parakentein to pierce at the side, from para beside (see PARA (Cf. para )) + kentein to prick, stab (see CENTER (Cf. center)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Paracentesis — Interventions infobox Name = Paracentesis ICD10 = ICD9 = 54.91 OtherCodes = Paracentesis is a medical procedure involving needle drainage of fluid from a body cavity, most commonly the abdomen. It is used for a number of reasons: * to relieve… …   Wikipedia

  • Paracentesis — La paracentesis es un procedimiento médico caracterizado por punción quirúrgica hecha en una cavidad orgánica para evacuar la serosidad acumulada. En el interior del abdomen, en la cavidad peritoneal, se acumula en ocasiones líquido. La… …   Wikipedia Español

  • paracentesis — ► sustantivo femenino MEDICINA Punción que se realiza en el vientre para evacuar la serosidad acumulada de forma anormal en el peritoneo. IRREG. plural paracentesis * * * paracentesis (del lat. «paracentēsis», del gr. «parakéntēsis») f. Cir.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • paracentesis — {{#}}{{LM P29022}}{{〓}} {{[}}paracentesis{{]}} ‹pa·ra·cen·te·sis› {{◆}}(pl. paracentesis){{◇}} {{《}}▍ s.f.{{》}} {{♂}}En medicina,{{♀}} punción en una cavidad del cuerpo con una aguja hueca para evacuar el líquido acumulado.… …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

  • paracentesis — /par euh sen tee sis/, n., pl. paracenteses / seez/. Surg. puncture of the wall of a cavity to drain off fluid. Also called tapping. [1590 1600; < L paracentesis perforation, tapping < Gk parakéntesis, equiv. to parakente , var. s. of parakenteîn …   Universalium

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