Papillomavirus, human (HPV)
- Papillomavirus, human (HPV)
- A family of over 60 viruses responsible for causing warts. Most types of HPV produce warts on the hands, fingers, and even the face. Thus, the majority of these viruses are innocuous, causing nothing more than cosmetic concerns. Several types of HPV, however, are confined primarily to the moist skin of the genitals, producing genital warts and elevating the risk for cancer of the cervix. The kinds of HPV that cause wartlike growths on the genitals and contribute to cancer of the cervix are sexually transmitted.
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HPV vaccine — Vaccine description Target disease human papillomavirus Type Protein subunit Clinical data … Wikipedia
HPV — Human papillomavirus, a large family of viruses containing over 60 members. HPV is responsible for causing warts. In fact, most kinds of HPVs cause warts to grow on the fingers, hands, and even the face; most of these viruses are thus innocuous,… … Medical dictionary
Human papillomavirus — Taxobox image size = 190px image caption =EM of papillomavirus virus group = i ordo = Unranked familia = Papillomaviridae subdivision ranks = Genera subdivision = Alphapapillomavirus Betapapillomavirus Gammapapillomavirus Mupapillomavirus… … Wikipedia
Papillomavirus humain — Pour les articles homonymes, voir VPH et HPV. VPH (HPV) … Wikipédia en Français
human disease — Introduction an impairment of the normal state of a human being that interrupts or modifies its vital functions. health versus disease Before human disease can be discussed, the meanings of the terms health, physical fitness, illness … Universalium
HPV — • Hemophilus pertussis vaccine; • hepatic portal vein; • human papillomavirus; • human parvovirus; • hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
HPV-Impfstoff — HPV Impfstoffe sind Impfstoffe, die gegen bestimmte Typen der sexuell übertragbaren humanen Papillomaviren (HPV) schützen und zur Krebsprävention dienen. Die Hochrisiko HPV Typen 16 und 18 sind weltweit für etwa 70 % aller Zervixkarzinome… … Deutsch Wikipedia
HPV OncoTect — is a method for screening cervical carcinoma identifying the oncogenic activity of Human papillomavirus (HPV) in infected cervical cells. This method has been developed by Bruce K. Patterson, M.D in Stanford University School of Medicine… … Wikipedia
HPV-Impfung — HPV Impfstoffe sind Impfstoffe, die gegen bestimmte, sexuell übertragbare humane Papillomviren (HPV) schützen. Es sind derzeit drei HPV Impfstoffe zugelassen: Gardasil und Silgard richten sich gegen die HPV Typen 6, 11, 16 und 18 (Vierfach… … Deutsch Wikipedia
HPV OncoTect — es un método de diagnóstico para la detección precoz del cáncer de cuello de útero identificando la actividad oncogénica del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en las células exocervicales infectadas. Este método ha sido desarrollado por el área de… … Wikipedia Español