
A universal remedy, a cure-all. The word "panacea" comes from the name of Panaceia, the daughter of Asklepios, the Greek god of medicine (whose staff with entwined snake is the symbol of medicine). Asklepios (known to the Romans as Aesculapius) had a number of children including not only Panaceia but also Hygieia, the goddess of health (from whose name we have the word "hygiene"). Panaceia also followed her father into medicine and became the patroness of clinical medicine. The ancients sought (but never found) a universal remedy, a panacea. (In Greek, "pan", all + "akos", remedy = remedy-all.)
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A cure-all; a remedy claimed to be curative of all diseases. [G. panakeia, universal remedy, fr. P., Aesculapius' daughter]

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pan·a·cea .pan-ə-'-ə n a remedy for all ills or difficulties
pan·a·ce·an -'-ən adj

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a medicine said to be a cure for all diseases and disorders, no matter what their nature. Unfortunately panaceas do not exist, despite the claims of many patent medicine manufacturers.

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pan·a·cea (panə-seґə) [Gr. panakeia] 1. a universal remedy. 2. an ancient name for a healing herb or its juice.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • panacea — f. farm. Antiguamente, remedio que se creía que poseía efectividad para curar todas las enfermedades. Medical Dictionary. 2011. panacea …   Diccionario médico

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  • panacea — (Del lat. panacēa, y este del gr. πανάκεια). 1. f. Medicamento a que se atribuye eficacia para curar diversas enfermedades. 2. Remedio o solución general para cualquier mal. panacea universal. f. Remedio que buscaban los antiguos alquimistas para …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • panacea — /pana tʃɛa/ s.f. [dal lat. panacea, gr. panákeia, comp. di pan pan e tema di akéomai curare ]. [rimedio universale, capace di risolvere ogni problema, anche fig.: il provvedimento è una p. per il problema dell inflazione ] ▶◀ ‖ medicina, rimedio …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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