
1. Also called the globus pallidus, this is a pale-appearing spherical area in the brain. Globus is a Latin word meaning a globe or sphere. Pallidus refers to its pallor relative to the surrounding brain substance. The globus pallidus is specifically part of what is called the lentiform nucleus which, in turn, is part of the striate body, a component of the basal ganglia, large masses of gray matter at the base (hence basal) of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain. The globus pallidus is also called the pale globe, and the paleostriatum (because it was thought to have evolved before the neostriatum, a different part of the striate body). 2. Part of what are called the basal ganglia of the brain, consisting of the globus pallidus and the ventral pallidum. The globus pallidus is a pale-appearing spherical area in the brain. (Globus is a Latin word meaning a globe or sphere. Pallidus refers to its pallor relative to the surrounding brain substance.) The globus pallidus is specifically part of what is called the lentiform nucleus which, in turn, is part of the striate body, a component of the basal ganglia, large masses of gray matter at the base (hence basal) of the cerebral hemispheres of the brain.
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SYN: globus pallidus. [L. pallidus, pale]
- dorsal p. [TA] those parts of the globus pallidus located generally dorsal to the plane of the anterior commissure; along with the dorsal striatum, functions in motor activities with cognitive origins; also form part of the dorsal basal ganglia. SYN: p. dorsale [TA].
- p. dorsale [TA] SYN: dorsal p..
- ventral p. [TA] those parts of the globus pallidus located ventral to the anterior commissure; includes portions of the substantia innominata; along with the ventral striatum believed to function in motor activities with strong motivational or emotional contructs. SYN: p. ventrale [TA].
- p. ventrale [TA] SYN: ventral p..

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pal·li·dum 'pal-əd-əm n GLOBUS PALLIDUS

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one of the dense collections of grey matter, deep in each cerebral hemisphere, that go to make up the basal ganglia.

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pal·li·dum (palґĭ-dəm) [L. “pale”] globus pallidus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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