
From the Latin meaning summit, the apex is the tip of a pyramidal or rounded structure, like the lung or the heart. The apex of the lung is indeed its tip, its rounded most superior portion. The apex of the heart is likewise its tip, but that is formed by the left ventricle so it is essentially the most inferior portion of the heart.
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The extremity of a conical or pyramidal structure, such as the heart or the lung. [L. summit or tip]
- a. of arytenoid cartilage [TA] the pointed upper end of the cartilage that supports the corniculate cartilage and the aryepiglottic fold. SYN: a. cartilaginis arytenoideae [TA].
- a. of auricle [TA] a point projecting upward and posteriorly from the free outcurved margin of the helix a little posterior to its upper end. SYN: a. auriculae [TA], tip of ear, a. satyri, tip of auricle, Woolner tip.
- a. auriculae [TA] SYN: a. of auricle.
- a. capitis fibulae [TA] SYN: a. of head of fibula.
- a. cartilaginis arytenoideae [TA] SYN: a. of arytenoid cartilage.
- a. cordis [TA] SYN: a. of heart.
- a. cornus posterioris [TA] SYN: a. of posterior horn.
- a. cuspidis dentis [TA] SYN: a. of cusp of tooth.
- a. of cusp of tooth [TA] the tip of the peaklike projections from the crown of a tooth. SYN: a. cuspidis dentis [TA].
- a. of dens [TA] the tip of the dens of the axis to which is attached the apical ligament of the dens. SYN: a. dentis [TA].
- a. dentis [TA] SYN: a. of dens.
- a. of head of fibula [TA] the pointed upper end of the fibular head to which is attached the arcuate popliteal ligament and part of the biceps femoris tendon. SYN: a. capitis fibulae [TA], styloid process of fibula.
- a. of heart [TA] the blunt extremity of the heart formed by the left ventricle. See a. beat. SYN: a. cordis [TA], vertex cordis.
- a. linguae [TA] SYN: a. of tongue.
- a. of lung [TA] the rounded, upper extremity of each lung that extends into the cupula of the pleura. SYN: a. pulmonis [TA].
- a. nasi [TA] SYN: a. of nose.
- a. of nose [TA] anteriormost pointed end of external nose. SYN: a. nasi [TA], tip of nose.
- a. of orbit the posterior part of the orbit into which the optic canal opens; forms the tip of the pyramidal space.
- a. ossis sacri [TA] SYN: a. of sacrum.
- a. partis petrosae ossis temporalis [TA] SYN: a. of petrous part of temporal bone.
- a. of patella [TA] the pointed inferior end of the patella from which the ligamentum patellae passes to insert on the tibial tuberosity. SYN: a. patellae [TA].
- a. patellae [TA] SYN: a. of patella.
- a. of petrous part of temporal bone [TA] the irregular antero-medial extremity of the petrous part on which the anterior end of the carotid canal opens. SYN: a. partis petrosae ossis temporalis [TA].
- a. of posterior horn [TA] the pointed extremity of each posterior gray column or cornu of the spinal cord. SYN: a. cornus posterioris [TA], tip of posterior horn.
- a. prostatae [TA] SYN: a. of prostate.
- a. of prostate [TA] the lowermost part of the prostate, situated above the urogenital diaphragm. SYN: a. prostatae [TA].
- a. pulmonis [TA] SYN: a. of lung.
- a. radicis dentis [TA] SYN: root a..
- root a. [TA] the tip of a tooth root, that part farthest from the incisal or occlusal side. SYN: a. radicis dentis [TA], root tip, tip of tooth root.
- a. of sacrum [TA] the tapering lower end of the sacrum that articulates with the coccyx. SYN: a. ossis sacri [TA].
- a. satyri SYN: a. of auricle.
- a. of tongue [TA] the anterior extreme of the tongue which can be made pointed for sensing or probing and which rests against the lingual aspect of the incisor teeth. SYN: a. linguae [TA], tip of tongue.
- a. of (urinary) bladder [TA] the junction of the superior and anteroinferior surfaces of the bladder, continuous above with the median umbilical ligament. SYN: a. vesicae.
- a. vesicae SYN: a. of (urinary) bladder.
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automatic programmable electronic matrix

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apex 'ā-.peks n, pl apex·es or api·ces 'ā-pə-.sēz a narrowed or pointed end of an anatomical structure: as
a) the narrow somewhat conical upper part of a lung extending into the root
b) the lower pointed end of the heart situated in humans opposite the space between the cartilages of the fifth and sixth ribs on the left side
c) the extremity of the root of a tooth

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the tip or summit of an organ; for example the heart or lung. The apex of a tooth is the tip of the root, where there is a small hole (the apical foramen) through which vessels and nerves pass from the pulp to the periapical tissues.
apical adj.

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(aґpeks) pl. apexes, aґpices [L.] 1. the superior aspect of a body, organ, or part, or the pointed extremity of a conical structure such as the heart or lung; called also tip. 2. the point of greatest activity, or the point of greatest response to any type of stimulation, such as electrical stimulation of a muscle. apical adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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