- The Adenomatous Polyposis Coli gene, a gene involved in both sporadic and familial colorectal cancer. Mutation in the APC gene is the earliest detectable molecular abnormality in colorectal cancer and imitates the process 20 to 30 years before the malignancy is full-blown. APC is a large gene that maps to chromosome 5 in region 5q21-q22. Although a number of different mutations have been identified in the APC gene, most (about 80%) of them cluster in one area of the gene, interrupt its transcription, and truncate (cut off) the transcript.
* * *Acronym for acetylsalicylic acid, phenacetin, and caffeine combined as a formerly widely used antipyretic and analgesic; antigen-presenting cells, under cell.* * *acetylsalicylic acid, phenacetin, and caffeine; activated protein C; adenoidalpharyngeal-conjunctival [agent]; adenomatous polyposis coli; allophyocyanin; all-purpose capsule; angiotensin presenting cell; antigen-presenting cell; antiphlogistic corticoid; aortopulmonary collateral artery; aperture current; apneustic center; argon plasma coagulation; aspirin-phenacetin-caffeine; atrial premature contraction; autologous platelet concentrate
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atrial premature complex; activated protein C (see under protein).
Medical dictionary. 2011.