- Orthoscopic
- Having correct vision or producing it. Orthoscopic, in other words, is free from optical distortion or designed to correct distorted vision. This fits with the prefix "ortho", meaning straight or erect, and with "scopic" from the Greek "skopein", to see. Orthoscopic literally is to see straight. (The word "orthoscopic" is often confused with "arthroscopic" which refers to the viewing of joints. Knee surgery performed with a small scope is arthroscopic knee surgery, not orthoscopic knee surgery.)
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or·tho·scop·ic .ȯr-thə-'skäp-ik adj giving an image in correct and normal proportions with a minimum of distortion* * *
or·tho·scop·ic (or″tho-skopґik) 1. pertaining to orthoscopy or an orthoscope. 2. having normal, undistorted vision. 3. pertaining to an optical system that produces undistorted images.
Medical dictionary. 2011.