- Ophthalmia
- Inflammation of the eye. Also known as ophthalmitis.
* * *1. Severe, often purulent, conjunctivitis. 2. Inflammation of the deeper structures of the eye. [G.]- Egyptian o. SYN: trachoma.- gonorrheal o. acute purulent conjunctivitis excited by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. SYN: blennophthalmia (2), blennorrhea conjunctivalis, gonorrheal conjunctivitis.- o. neonatorum a conjunctival inflammation occurring within the first 10 days of life; causes include Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Chlamydia trachomatis. SYN: blennorrhea neonatorum, infantile purulent conjunctivitis, neonatal conjunctivitis.- o. nivalis SYN: ultraviolet keratoconjunctivitis.- o. nodosa the presence of nodular swellings on the conjunctiva, caused by penetration of ocular tissues by the hairs of caterpillars. SYN: caterpillar-hair o..- phlyctenular o. SYN: phlyctenular conjunctivitis.- spring o. SYN: vernal conjunctivitis.- sympathetic o. a serous or plastic uveitis caused by a perforating wound of the uvea followed by a similar severe reaction in the other eye that may lead to bilateral blindness. SYN: transferred o..- transferred o. SYN: sympathetic o..
* * *
oph·thal·mia äf-'thal-mē-ə, äp- n inflammation of the conjunctiva or the eyeball* * *
n.inflammation of the eye, particularly the conjunctiva (see conjunctivitis). Sympathetic ophthalmia is a granulomatous uveitis affecting all parts of the uveal tract of both eyes that may develop after trauma or (more rarely) after eye surgery.* * *
oph·thal·mia (of-thalґme-ə) [Gr., from ophthalmos eye] severe inflammation of the eye or of the conjunctiva or deeper structures of the eye.
Medical dictionary. 2011.