
Having to do with the eye. In a microscope, the lens closest to the eye is termed the ocular (the eyepiece) whereas the objective (also called the objective lens) is the lens nearest to the object being examined. The light microscope today is usually binocular (with one ocular for each eye) and has a turret bearing a selection of objective lens.
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1. SYN: ophthalmic. 2. The eyepiece of a microscope, the lens or lenses at the observer end of a microscope, by means of which the image focused by the objective is viewed. [L. oculus, eye]
- compensating o. an o. that compensates and corrects for the effects of chromatic aberration in the objective.
- Huygens o. the compound o. of a microscope, composed of two planoconvex lenses so arranged that the plane side of each is directed toward the observer.
- o. motor relating to or causing movements of the eyeball.
- Ramsden o. an eyepiece of a microscope, consisting of two planoconvex lenses with convexities turned to each other.
- wide field o. an o. that gives a larger than usual field of view and a high eyepoint.

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oc·u·lar 'äk-yə-lər adj of or relating to the eye <the \ocular adnexa include the eyelids and the lacrimal glands>
ocular n EYEPIECE

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of or concerned with the eye or vision.

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oc·u·lar (okґu-lər) [L. ocularis, from oculus eye] 1. of, pertaining to, or affecting the eye; called also ophthalmic and optic. 2. eyepiece.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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