
1) A person trained, licensed, or skilled in nursing. 2) To feed an infant at the breast.
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1. To breast feed. 2. To provide care of the sick. 3. One who is educated in the scientific basis of nursing under defined standards of education and is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual or potential health problems. [O. Fr. nourice, fr. L. nutrix, wet-n., n., fr. nutrio, to sucke, to tend]
- certified registered n. anesthetist (C.R.N.A.) a registered professional n. with additional education in the administration of anesthetics. Certification achieved through a program of study recognized by the American Association of N. Anesthetists.
- charge n. a n. administratively responsible for a designated hospital unit, usually on an 8-hour basis. SYN: head n. (2).
- clinical n. specialist a registered n. with at least a master's degree who has advanced education in a particular area of clinical practice such as oncology or psychiatry. Usually employed in a hands-on clinical setting such as a hospital.
- community n. SYN: public health n..
- community health n. SYN: public health n..
- dry n. a woman who cares for newborn infants without breast feeding them, as opposed to a wet n..
- n. epidemiologist a registered n. with additional education in the monitoring and prevention of nosocomial infections in the client population in an agency. SYN: infection control n..
- flight n. a n. who cares for clients during transport in any type of aircraft.
- general duty n. n. who accepts assignment to any unit of a hospital other than an intensive care unit.
- graduate n. a n. who has received a degree, most often a bachelor's degree, from a school or college of nursing.
- head n. 1. a n. administratively responsible for a designated hospital unit on a 24 hour basis; 2. SYN: charge n..
- home health n. a n. who is responsible for a group of clients in the home setting. Visits clients on a routine basis to assist client and family with care as needed and to teach family the care needed so that the client may remain in his/her home. SYN: visiting n..
- hospital n. a registered n. working in a hospital.
- licensed practical n. (L.P.N.) a n. who has graduated from an accredited school of practical (vocational) nursing, passed the state examination for licensure, and been licensed to practice by a state authority. Program is generally 1 year in length. SYN: licensed vocational n..
- licensed vocational n. (L.V.N.) SYN: licensed practical n..
- practical n. a graduate of a specific educational program that prepares the individual for a career in nursing with less responsibility than a graduate or registered n..
- private n. SYN: private duty n..
- private duty n. 1. a n. who is not a member of a hospital staff, but is hired by the client or his/her family on a fee-for-service basis to care for the client; 2. a n. who specializes in the care of patients with diseases of a particular class, e.g., surgical cases, tuberculosis, children's diseases. SYN: private n..
- public health n. a n. who provides care to individuals or groups in a community outside of institutions. Usually works through the auspices of a state or city health department. SYN: community health n., community n..
- registered n. (R.N.) a n. who has graduated from an accredited nursing program, has passed the state examination for licensure, and has been registered and licensed to practice by a state authority.
- school n. a n., usually an RN, working in a school or similar institution.
- scrub n. a n. who has scrubbed arms and hands, donned sterile gloves and, usually, a sterile gown, and assists an operating surgeon, primarily by passing instruments.
- special n. a n., who might be a registered n. or a practical n., assigned to limited, specialized functions; usually synonymous with private duty n..
- student n. a student in a program leading to certification in a form of nursing; usually applied to students in an RN or practical n. program.
- visiting n. SYN: home health n..
- wet n. a woman who breast feeds a child not her own.

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nurse 'nərs n
1) a woman who suckles an infant not her own: WET NURSE
2) a person who cares for the sick or infirm specif a licensed health-care professional who practices independently or is supervised by a physician, surgeon, or dentist and who is skilled in promoting and maintaining health see LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE, LICENSED VOCATIONAL NURSE, REGISTERED NURSE
nurse vb, nursed; nurs·ing vt
1 a) to nourish at the breast: SUCKLE
b) to take nourishment from the breast of: suck milk from
2 a) to care for and wait on (as an injured or infirm person)
b) to attempt a cure of (as an ailment) by care and treatment vi
1 a) to feed an offspring from the breast
b) to feed at the breast: SUCK
2) to act or serve as a nurse

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a person trained and experienced in nursing matters and entrusted with the care of the sick and the carrying out of medical and surgical routines. In Britain student nurses must receive a specified period of training in a hospital approved by the General Nursing Council and pass an examination before qualifying for registration with the UKCC (United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting) as a general nurse. In 1989 a new scheme for nurse education, known as Project 2000, was introduced by the UKCC. Student nurses gain a diploma in higher education as well as their registered nurse qualification. See also community midwife, district nurse, health visitor, practice nurse, school nurse.

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(nurs) 1. a person who is especially prepared in the scientific basis of nursing and who meets certain prescribed standards of education and clinical competence. 2. to provide services that are essential to or helpful in the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health and well-being. See also nursing. 3. suckle.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Nurse — (n[^u]rs), n. [OE. nourse, nurice, norice, OF. nurrice, norrice, nourrice, F. nourrice, fr. L. nutricia nurse, prop., fem. of nutricius that nourishes; akin to nutrix, icis, nurse, fr. nutrire to nourish. See {Nourish}, and cf. {Nutritious}.] 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • nurse — [ nɶrs ] n. f. • 1896; « nourrice anglaise » 1855; mot angl. « infirmière », du fr. nourrice ♦ Domestique (anglaise à l origine) qui s occupe exclusivement des soins à donner aux enfants, dans les familles riches. ⇒ bonne (d enfants), 3. garde,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • nurse — [nʉrs] n. [ME norse < OFr norice < LL nutricia < L nutricius, that suckles or nourishes < nutrix (gen. nutricis), wet nurse < nutrire, to nourish < IE * (s)neu , var. of base * (s)nā , to flow > NATANT, Sans snāuti, (she)… …   English World dictionary

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  • Nurse — Nurse, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Nursed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Nursing}.] 1. To nourish; to cherish; to foster; as: (a) To nourish at the breast; to suckle; to feed and tend, as an infant. (b) To take care of or tend, as a sick person or an invalid; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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