- Node
- Literally a knot, a node is a collection of tissue. For example a lymph node, is a collection of lymphoid tissue. A nodule is a small node, a little collection of tissue.
* * *1. A knob or nodosity; a circumscribed swelling; in anatomy, a circumscribed mass of tissue. 2. A circumscribed mass of differentiated tissue. 3. A knuckle, or finger joint. SYN: nodus [TA]. [L. nodus, a knot]- atrioventricular n. (AV n.) [TA] 1. a small n. of modified cardiac muscle fibers located near the ostium of the coronary sinus; it gives rise to the atrioventricular bundle of the conduction system of the heart; 2. loosely circumscribed conduction tissue with sparse pacemakerlike (P) cells in the atrioventricular junction. SYN: nodus atrioventricularis [TA], n. of Aschoff and Tawara, Tawara n..- delphian n. a midline prelaryngeal lymph n., adjacent to the thyroid gland, enlargement of which is indicative of thyroid disease or early metastasis from the subglottic larynx.- Dürck nodes perivascular chronic inflammatory infiltrates in the brain, occurring in human trypanosomiasis.- Haygarth nodes exostoses from the margins of the articular surfaces and from the periosteum and bone in the neighborhood of the joints of the fingers, leading to ankylosis and associated with lateral deflection of the fingers toward the ulnar side, which occur in rheumatoid arthritis.- Heberden nodes exostoses about the size of a pea or smaller, found on the terminal phalanges of the fingers in osteoarthritis, which are enlargements of the tubercles at the articular extremities of the distal phalanges. SYN: tuberculum arthriticum (1).- hemal n. a lymphoid structure in which the blood sinuses are present in place of lymph sinuses; hemal nodes occur in ruminants and some other mammals, but their presence in humans is questioned. SYN: hemal gland, hemolymph gland, hemolymph n., vascular gland.- jugulodigastric n. SYN: jugulodigastric lymph n..- juguloomohyoid n. SYN: juguloomohyoid lymph n..- milkers' nodes SYN: milkers' nodules, under nodule.- Osler n. in subacute bacterial endocarditis, circumscribed, painful erythematous swellings, ranging in size from that of a pinhead to that of a pea, in the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the hands and feet. SYN: Osler sign.- primitive n. a local thickening of the blastoderm at the cephalic end of the primitive streak of the embryo. SYN: Hensen knot, Hensen n., Hubrecht protochordal knot, primitive knot, protochordal knot.- promontorial common iliac nodes [TA] nodes of the common iliac group located at the promontory of the sacrum. SYN: nodi lymphoidei iliaci communes promontorii [TA], nodi lymphoidei promontorii.- n. of Ranvier a short interval in the myelin sheath of a nerve fiber, occurring between each two successive segments of the myelin sheath; at the n., the axon is invested only by short, finger-like cytoplasmic processes of the two neighboring Schwann cells or, in the central nervous system, oligodendroglia cells. SEE ALSO: myelin sheath.- n. of Rouviere one of the lateral group of retropharyngeal lymph node s. See retropharyngeal lymph node s, under lymph n..- sentinel n. SYN: sentinel lymph n..- sinuatrial n. [TA] the mass of specialized cardiac muscle fibers that normally acts as the “pacemaker” of the cardiac conduction system; it lies under the epicardium at the upper end of the sulcus terminalis. SYN: nodus sinuatrialis [TA], atrionector, Flack n., Keith and Flack n., Keith n., Koch n., sinoatrial n., sinus n..- subdigastric n. SYN: jugulodigastric lymph n..- suprapyloric n. SYN: suprapyloric lymph n..
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1 a) a pathological swelling or enlargement (as of a rheumatic joint)b) a body part resembling a knot esp a discrete mass of one kind of tissue enclosed in tissue of a different kind see ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODE, LYMPH NODE2) a point, line, or surface of a vibrating body that is free or relatively free of vibratory motion* * *
n.* * *
(nōd) [L. nodus knot] 1. a small mass of tissue in the form of a swelling, knot, or protuberance, either normal or pathological. 2. in fungi, a swelling on a stolon where the rhizomes arise. See illustration at mold. nodal adjFor descriptions of specific anatomic structures not found here, see under nodus.
Medical dictionary. 2011.