
The Latin word for "nest", nidus is used in medicine to refer to any structure that resembles a nest in appearance or function. Just as a nest is a repository for the eggs of birds, insects and other animals, a nidus is a breeding place where bacteria, parasites and other agents of a disease lodge and develop. This is a nidus of infection, a focus of infection. A nidus is also the nucleus or origin of a nerve. The nidus avis cerebelli is a deep sulcus (groove) on each side of the inferior vermis (a wormlike structure in the brain), separating it from the adjacent lobes of the cerebral hemispheres.
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1. A nest. 2. The nucleus or central point of origin of a nerve. 3. A focus of infection. 4. The nucleus of a crystal; the coalescence of molecules or small particles that is the beginning of a crystal or similar solid deposit. 5. The focus of reduced density at the center of an osteoid osteoma, on bone radiographs. [L. nest]
- n. avis a deep depression on each side of the inferior surface of the cerebellum, between the uvula and the biventral lobe, in which the tonsil rests. SYN: n. hirundinis. [L. bird's nest]
- n. hirundinis SYN: n. avis. [L. swallow's nest]

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ni·dus '-dəs n, pl ni·di -. or ni·dus·es
1) a place or substance in tissue where the germs of a disease or other organisms lodge and multiply
2) a place where something originates or is fostered or develops <hysterical symptoms often grow from an organic \nidus, congenital or acquired (D. N. Parfitt)>

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a place in which bacteria have settled and multiplied because of particularly suitable conditions: a focus of infection.

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ni·dus (niґdəs) pl. niґdi [L. âœnestâ] 1. the point of origin or focus of a morbid process. 2. nucleus (def. 2).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • nidus — (n.) nest, breeding place, 1742, from L. nidus a nest, from O.L. *nizdus (see NEST (Cf. nest) (n.)). Figurative use by 1807. Classical plural is nidi …   Etymology dictionary

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