- Neurodermatitis
- Scaly patches of skin on the head, lower legs, wrists, or forearms caused by a localized itch such as from an insect bite that becomes intensely irritated when scratched. "Neurodermatitis" is a vague general term for an itchy skin disorder thought to be due to emotional or "nervous" causes. This is a poorly defined disorder and has largely been separated into more specific categories such as atopic dermatitis and lichen simplex chronicus. The term "neurodermatitis" is falling into disuse and will in time predictably be of historical interest only.
* * *A chronic lichenified skin lesion, localized or disseminated. [neuro- + G. derma, skin, + -itis, inflammation]
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neu·ro·der·ma·ti·tis -.dər-mə-'tīt-əs n, pl -ti·tis·es or -tit·i·des -'tit-ə-.dēz a chronic allergic disorder of the skin characterized by patches of an itching lichenoid eruption and occurring esp. in persons of nervous and emotional instability* * *
n.* * *
neu·ro·der·ma·ti·tis (noor″o-dur″mə-tiґtis) [neuro- + dermatitis] name given to various types of eczema presumed to be cutaneous responses to prolonged scratching, rubbing, or pinching to relieve pruritus; there may be polymorphic lesions at the same or different times. Some authorities consider this a psychogenic disorder.
Medical dictionary. 2011.