- Neuralgia
- Pain along the course of a nerve.
* * *Pain of a severe, throbbing, or stabbing character in the course or distribution of a nerve. SYN: neurodynia. [neur- + G. algos, pain]- atypical trigeminal n. periodic pain in any region of the face, teeth, tongue, and occasionally in the occipital or shoulder area, which lasts several minutes to several days but has no trigger point and lacks the paroxysmal character of tic douloureux. SYN: atypical facial n..- geniculate n. a severe paroxysmal lancinating pain deep in the ear, on the anterior wall of the external meatus, and on a small area just in front of the pinna. SYN: geniculate otalgia, Hunt n., n. facialis vera.- glossopharyngeal n. paroxysmal lancinating pain in the throat or palate. SYN: glossopharyngeal tic.- Morton n. n. of an interdigital nerve, usually the anastomotic branch between the medial and lateral plantar nerves, resulting from compression of the nerve by the metatarsophalangeal joint. SYN: Morton metatarsalgia, Morton neuroma.- periodic migrainous n. recurrent facial pain and headache, more common in men than in women. SYN: Harris migraine.- sphenopalatine n. n. of the lower half of the face, with pain referred to the root of the nose, upper teeth, eyes, ears, mastoid, and occiput, in association with nasal congestion and rhinorrhea occurring in infection of the nasal sinuses, and produced by lesions of the sphenopalatine ganglion; ocular hyperemia and excessive lacrimation may occur. SYN: Sluder n..- stump n. pain experienced as coming from an absent part, caused by irritation of neuromas in the scarred tissue of an amputation stump.- symptomatic n. n. occurring as a symptom of some local or systemic disease not involving primarily nerve structures.- trigeminal n. severe, paroxysmal bursts of pain in one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve; often induced by touching trigger points in or about the mouth. SYN: epileptiform n., facial n., Fothergill disease (1), Fothergill n., tic douloureux, trifacial n..
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neu·ral·gia n(y)u̇-'ral-jə n acute paroxysmal pain radiating along the course of one or more nerves usu. without demonstrable changes in the nerve structure compare NEURITIS* * *
n.a severe burning or stabbing pain often following the course of a nerve. Postherpetic neuralgia is an intense debilitating pain felt at the site of a previous attack of shingles. In trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) there are brief paroxysms of searing pain felt in the distribution of one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve in the face. Trigeminal neuralgia is managed principally by prescription of carbamazepine. The facial pain of migrainous neuralgia (cluster headache) lasts between 15 minutes and three hours and usually occurs in the early hours of the morning.* * *
neu·ral·gia (n-ralґjə) [neur- + -algia] pain extending along the course of one or more nerves. Many varieties of neuralgia are distinguished according to the part affected, as brachial, facial, occipital, or supraorbital, or to the cause, as anemic, diabetic, gouty, malarial, or syphilitic. neuralgic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.