- Antipyretic
- Something that reduces fever or quells it. There are 3 classes of antipyretic medications that are sold OTC (over-the-counter) without prescription: {{}}Salicylates — aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), choline salicylate (Arthropan), magnesium salicylate (Arthriten), and sodium salicylate (Scot-Tussin Original); Acetaminophen (Tylenol); and Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) — ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Naprosyn, Aleve), and ketoprofen. From anti- + the Greek "pyretos," fever. The root is the Greek word "pyr" meaning fire. (Pyrexia is a medical term for fever.)
* * *1. Reducing fever. SYN: antifebrile, febrifugal. 2. An agent that reduces fever ( e.g., acetaminophen, aspirin). SYN: febrifuge. [anti- + G. pyretos, fever]
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n.a drug that reduces fever by lowering the body temperature. Several analgesic drugs have antipyretic activity, including aspirin, paracetamol, phenylbutazone, and mefenamic acid.* * *
an·ti·py·ret·ic (an″te-) (an″ti-pi-retґik) [anti- + pyretic] 1. relieving or reducing fever; called also antifebrile. 2. an agent that relieves fever; called also febrifuge.
Medical dictionary. 2011.