
A surgically placed tiny incision in the eardrum. Any fluid behind the eardrum can then drain and usually thickened secretions can be removed. A small plastic ear tube (a tympanostomy tube) is often inserted into the eardrum to keep the middle ear aerated for a prolonged period of time. These ventilating tubes usually remain in place for 6 months to several years. Eventually, they will move out of the eardrum (extrude) and fall into the ear canal.
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Incision of the tympanic membrane. SYN: tympanotomy. [myringo- + G. tome, excision]

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myr·in·got·o·my .mir-ən-'gät-ə- n, pl -mies incision of the tympanic membrane called also tympanotomy

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incision of the eardrum to create an artificial opening, either to allow infected fluid to drain from the middle ear in acute otitis media or to remove fluid in glue ear and permit the insertion of a grommet.

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my·rin·got·o·my (miring-gotґo-me) [myringo- + -tomy] the creation of a hole in the tympanic membrane, as for tympanocentesis. Called also tympanostomy and tympanotomy.

Myringotomy incision (A) and grommet insertion (B).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Myringotomy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 20.0 Myringotomy is a surgical procedure in which a tiny incision is created in the eardrum, so as to relieve pressure caused by the excessive build up of fluid, or to drain pus. Myringo …   Wikipedia

  • myringotomy — /mir in got euh mee, ing /, n., pl. myringotomies. surgical incision of the tympanic membrane. [1875 80; < NL myring(a) tympanic membrane (cf. ML miringa membrane enclosing the brain, dissimilated form of LL meninga < Gk mêninx, s. mening… …   Universalium

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