Mycosis fungoides

Mycosis fungoides
: A type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that first appears on the skin. Also called cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.

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mycosis fun·goi·des -fəŋ-'gȯid-.ēz n a form of lymphoma characterized by a chronic patchy red scaly irregular and often eczematous dermatitis that progresses over a period of years to form elevated plaques and then tumors

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a disease that is a variety of reticulosis confined to the skin, with plaques and later nodules infiltrated with T-lymphocytes. It progresses very slowly and can be treated initially with topical corticosteroids, later with PUVA and electron-beam therapy; chemotherapy is not helpful.

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a chronic or rapidly progressive form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; its name arose from the erroneous belief that it was of fungal origin. It may evolve into generalized lymphoma with a tendency for nodal, hematogenous, and visceral involvement. Its course has three successive stages: the premycotic stage, associated with intensely pruritic erythematous, eczematous, or psoriasiform eruptions; the mycotic stage, or stage of infiltrated plaques, characterized by the presence of abnormal lymphocytes called ¹zary cells; and the tumor stage, characterized by mushroomlike tumors that often ulcerate. In a variant type of tumor stage called mycosis fungoides d'emblйe, the tumors may develop without preceding lesions or prodromal symptoms. Called also granuloma fungoides.

Mycosis fungoides, with ulcerated plaques and tumors.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • mycosis fungoides — a disease that is a variety of reticulosis confined to the skin, with plaques and later nodules infiltrated with T lymphocytes. It progresses very slowly and can be treated initially with topical corticosteroids, later with PUVA and electron beam …   The new mediacal dictionary

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