- Menorrhagia
- Excessive bleeding from the uterus which occurs right on schedule at the regular times of the menstrual periods but the bleeding is heavier than usual and may last longer than usual.
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men·or·rha·gia .men-ə-'rā-j(ē-)ə, -'rā-zhə; -'räj-ə, -'räzh- n abnormally profuse menstrual flow compare HYPERMENORRHEA, METRORRHAGIAmen·or·rhag·ic -'raj-ik adj* * *
n.abnormally heavy bleeding at menstruation, which may or may not be associated with abnormally long periods. Menorrhagia may be associated with hormonal imbalance (in which case it is described as dysfunctional uterine bleeding), pelvic inflammatory disease, tumours (especially fibroids) in the pelvic cavity, endometriosis, or the presence of an IUCD. In some cases no obvious pathology can be demonstrated.* * *
men·or·rha·gia (men″ə-raґjə) [meno- + -rrhagia] hypermenorrhea.
Medical dictionary. 2011.