Zymogen — ym o*gen, n. [Zyme + gen.] (Physiol. Chem.) A mother substance, or antecedent, of an enzyme or chemical ferment; applied to such substances as, not being themselves actual ferments, may by internal changes give rise to a ferment. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
zymogen — [zī′mə jən] n. [Fr zymogène: see ZYMO & GEN] Biochem. an inactive antecedent form of an active enzyme that becomes functional by the action of an appropriate kinase or other activator … English World dictionary
Zymogen — A zymogen (or proenzyme) is an inactive enzyme precursor. A zymogen requires a biochemical change (such as a hydrolysis reaction revealing the active site, or changing the configuration to reveal the active site) for it to become an active enzyme … Wikipedia
zymogen — /zuy meuh jeuhn, jen /, n. Biochem. any of various enzyme precursor molecules that may change into an enzyme as a result of catalytic change. Also called proenzyme. [ < G (1875); see ZYMO , GEN] * * * or proenzyme Any of a class of proteins that… … Universalium
Zymogen — Zymogene (oder Proenzyme) sind inaktive Enzymvorstufen. Beispiele sind Pepsinogen oder Chymotrypsinogen. Im Gegensatz zu Apoenzymen werden sie durch Proteasen (Proteolyse) oder das Enzym selbst (Autoproteolyse) in die aktive Form überführt. Der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
zymogen granule — Secretore vesicle (secretory vesicle) containing an inactive precursor (zymogen). The contents are often very condensed … Dictionary of molecular biology
zymogen — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1877 an inactive protein precursor of an enzyme secreted by living cells and converted (as by a kinase or an acid) into an active form called also proenzyme … New Collegiate Dictionary
zymogen — n. [Gr. zyme, leaven; genesis, origin] Formerly a substance able to be transformed into an enzyme … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
zymogen — Inactive precursor of an enzyme, particularly a proteolytic enzyme. Synthesized in the cell and secreted in this safe form, then converted to the active form by limited proteolytic cleavage … Dictionary of molecular biology
zymogen — noun A proenzyme, or enzyme precursor, which requires a biochemical change (i.e. hydrolysis) to become an active form of the enzyme … Wiktionary