
A class of flagellates (superclass Mastigophora) within the phylum Sarcomastigophora (flagellate and ameboid protozoans), of animal-like as opposed to plantlike characteristics. Chromatophores are absent; one to many flagella are found, although they may be absent in ameboid forms; sexuality is known in some groups. It includes many human parasites such as the trypanosomes and trichomonads, as well as a number of other parasitic and symbiotic forms. SYN: Zoomastigina, Zoomastigophorasida. [zoo- + G. mastix, whip, + phoros, bearing]

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Zoo·mas·ti·go·pho·rea (zoo-mas-gə-forґe-ə) [zoo- + Gr. mastix whip + phōros bearing] in older systems of classification, a class of protozoa of the phylum Sarcomastigophora comprising all of the animallike (as opposed to plantlike) members of the phylum; collectively called zooflagellates. Members of this group lack chromatophores and are heterotrophic, and most are either commensal or parasitic. They have one to many flagella and some are capable of ameboid movement with or without flagella. Cf. Phytomastigophorea.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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