
1. SYN: zone. 2. SYN: herpes zoster. [L. fr. G. zone, a girdle, one of the zones of the sphere]
- z. arcuata SYN: arcuate zone.
- z. ciliaris SYN: ciliary zone.
- z. corona SYN: costal fringe.
- z. dermatica a ridge of thickened skin surrounding the protrusion in spina bifida.
- z. epithelioserosa the membranous ring, within the z. dermatica, surrounding the protrusion in spina bifida.
- z. externa medullae renalis [TA] SYN: outer zone of renal medulla.
- z. fasciculata the layer of radially arranged cell cords in the cortical portion of the suprarenal gland, between the z. glomerulosa and z. reticularis; secretes cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone.
- z. glomerulosa the outer layer of the cortex of the suprarenal gland just beneath the capsule; secretes aldosterone.
- z. hemorrhoidalis SYN: hemorrhoidal zone.
- zonae hypothalamicae [TA] SYN: zones of hypothalamus, under zone.
- z. incerta [TA] a flat, obliquely disposed plate of gray matter in the subthalamic region situated between the thalamic fasciculus (tegmental field H1 of Forel) and the lenticular fasciculus (tegmental field H2). Medially, cells of this nucleus are adjacent to the prerubral area (tegmental field H) and, laterally, they are continuous with the reticular nucleus of the thalamus. Z. i. is a derivative of the ventral thalamus; it receives afferents from the precentral motor cortex and the cerebellum.
- z. interna medullae renalis [TA] SYN: inner zone of renal medulla.
- z. lateralis [TA] SYN: lateral zone. See zones of hypothalamus, under zone.
- z. medialis [TA] SYN: medial zone. See zones of hypothalamus, under zone.
- z. medullovasculosa the fissured segment of the spinal cord that dorsally closes the sac in meningomyelocele.
- z. ophthalmica herpes zoster in the distribution of the ophthalmic nerve.
- z. orbicularis (articulationis coxae) [TA] fibers of the articular capsule of the hip joint encircling the neck of the femur. SYN: orbicular zone of hip joint, ring ligament, zonular band.
- z. pectinata SYN: pectinate zone.
- z. pellucida an extracellular coat, rich in glycoprotein, surrounding the oocyte; it contains microvilli of the oocyte and cellular processes of follicular cells and appears homogeneous and translucent under the light microscope. SYN: pellucid zone.
- z. perforata SYN: foramina nervosa, under foramen.
- z. periventricularis [TA] SYN: periventricular zone. See zones of hypothalamus, under zone.
- z. pupillaris SYN: pupillary zone.
- z. radiata SYN: z. striata.
- z. reticularis the inner layer of the cortex of the adrenal gland, where the cell cords anastomose in a netlike fashion.
- z. striata the thickened cell membrane of the ovum in forms, such as certain amphibia, in which it appears radially striated under the light microscope; with the electron microscope the striations can be seen to be microvilli. SYN: membrana striata, striated membrane, z. radiata.
- z. tecta SYN: arcuate zone.
- z. transitionalis analis [TA] SYN: anal transitional zone.
- z. vasculosa SYN: vascular zone.

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zo·na 'zō-nə n, pl zo·nae -.nēalso -.nī or zonas
1) an anatomical zone or layer esp ZONA PELLUCIDA

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zo·na (zoґnə) gen. and pl. zoґnae [L. “a girdle”] 1. zone: an anatomical area with a specific boundary or characteristics. 2. herpes zoster.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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