- wormian
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wor·mi·an (wurґme-ən) named for Ole Worm (Olaus Wormius), Danish physician and humanist, 1588–1654, as wormian bones.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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wor·mi·an (wurґme-ən) named for Ole Worm (Olaus Wormius), Danish physician and humanist, 1588–1654, as wormian bones.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Wormian — Wor mi*an, a. (Anat.) Discovered or described by Olanus Wormius, a Danish anatomist. [1913 Webster] {Wormian bones}, small irregular plates of bone often interposed in the sutures between the large cranial bones. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wormian — /wûrˈmi ən/ adjective Associated with the name of the Danish anatomist Olaus Worm (1588–1654), applied esp to the supernumerary bones developed in the sutures of the skull … Useful english dictionary
Wormian bones — compared to a normal skull Wormian bones, also known as extra sutural bones[1] are extra bone pieces that occur within a suture in the cranium. These are irregular isolated bones which appear in addition to the usual centers of ossification of… … Wikipedia
Wormian bones — Wormian Wor mi*an, a. (Anat.) Discovered or described by Olanus Wormius, a Danish anatomist. [1913 Webster] {Wormian bones}, small irregular plates of bone often interposed in the sutures between the large cranial bones. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wormian — wor·mi·an … English syllables
Wormian bone — noun Any small irregular bone occasionally occurring in the the cranium in addition to the normal bones. Syn: sutural bone See Also: epipteric … Wiktionary
Wormian bone — Wor·mi·an bone wȯr mē ən n a small irregular inconstant plate of bone interposed in a suture between large cranial bones called also sutural bone Worm vȯrm Ole (Latin Olaus Wormius) (1588 1654) Danish physician. Worm was a professor of medicine … Medical dictionary
wormian ossicles — the ossa suturalia; see os suturale … Medical dictionary
wormian bone — one of a number of small bones that occur in the cranial sutures … The new mediacal dictionary
Wormian bone — noun any of the tiny soft bones found in the sutures between cranial bones • Syn: ↑sutural bone • Hypernyms: ↑bone, ↑os * * * ˈwȯ(r)mēən noun Usage: usually capitalized W Etymology … Useful english dictionary