- wiring
- circumferential w. fixation of mandibular fractures by passing wires around a section of bone and intraoral splint; i.e., circummandibular w.. SEE ALSO: circumzygomatic w..- circumzygomatic w. a means of fixation for mandibular fractures in which the mandible is fastened to the zygomatic arches with wire.- continuous loop w. the formation of wire loops on both maxillary and mandibular teeth, for the placement of intermaxillary elastics; used in reduction and fixation of fractures. SYN: Stout w..- craniofacial suspension w. a method of w. using areas of bones not contiguous with the oral cavity for the support of fractured jaw segments ( e.g., pyriform aperture, zygomatic arch, zygomatic process of the frontal bone).- Gilmer w. a method of intermaxillary fixation in which single opposing teeth are wired circumferentially, and the wires are twisted together.- Ivy loop w. placement of a wire around two adjacent teeth to provide an attachment for intermaxillary elastics.- perialveolar w. fixing a splint to the maxillary arch by passing a wire through the alveolar process from the buccal surface to the lingual surface.- pyriform aperture w. a method of w. from the area of the pyriform aperture for the stabilization of fractures of the jaw.
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wir·ing (wīrґing) the fixing into position by means of wire, as of segments of fractured bone.
Medical dictionary. 2011.