
SI unit of magnetic flux, equal to volt-seconds (V s). [Wilhelm E. W., 1804–1891]

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we·ber 'web-ər, 'vā-bər n the practical mks unit of magnetic flux equal to that flux which in linking a circuit of one turn produces in it an electromotive force of one volt as the flux is reduced to zero at a uniform rate in one second: 108 maxwells
We·ber 'vā-bər Wilhelm Eduard (1804-1891)
German physicist. Weber, who was a professor at Göttingen, Germany, was notable for his researches in magnetism and electricity. With Carl Friedrich Gauss he investigated terrestrial magnetism. Weber introduced the absolute system of electrical units patterned after Gauss's system of magnetic units. The term weber was officially introduced for the practical unit of magnetic flux in 1935.

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the SI units of magnetic flux, equal to the flux linking a circuit of one turn that produces an e.m.f. of 1 volt when reduced uniformly to zero in 1 second. Symbol: Wb.

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web·er (Wb) (webґər) the SI unit of magnetic flux which, linking a circuit of one turn, produces in it an electromotive force of one volt as it is reduced to zero at a uniform rate in one second.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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