- Measles
- An acute and highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes, and a spreading skin rash. Measles, also known as rubeola, is a potentially disastrous disease. It can be complicated by ear infections, pneumonia, encephalitis (which can cause convulsions, mental retardation, and even death), the sudden onset of low blood platelet levels with severe bleeding (acute thrombocytopenic purpura), or a chronic brain disease that occurs months to years after an attack of measles (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis). During pregnancy, exposure to the measles virus may trigger miscarriage or premature delivery. Treatment includes rest, calamine lotion or other anti- itching preparations to soothe the skin, non-aspirin pain relievers for fever, and in some cases antibiotics. Measles can often be prevented through vaccination. Also known as hard measles, seven-day measles, eight-day measles, nine-day measles, ten-day measles, morbilli. See also measles encephalitis; measles immunization; measles syndrome, atypical; MMR.
* * *1. An acute exanthematous disease, caused by m. virus (genus Morbillivirus), a member of the family Paramyxoviridae, and marked by fever and other constitutional disturbances, a catarrhal inflammation of the respiratory mucous membranes, and a generalized maculopapular eruption of a dusky red color; the eruption occurs early on the buccal mucous membrane in the form of Koplik spots, a manifestation utilized in early diagnosis; average incubation period is from 10–12 days. Recovery is usually rapid but respiratory complications and otitis media caused by secondary bacterial infections are common. Encephalitis occurs rarely. Subacute sclerosing parencephalitis may occur later and is associated with chronic infection. SYN: morbilli. 2. A disease of swine caused by the presence of Cysticercus cellulosae, the measle or larva of Taenia solium, the pork tapeworm. 3. A disease of cattle caused by the presence of Cysticercus bovis, the measle or larva of Taenia saginata, the beef tapeworm of humans. [D. maselen]- atypical m. sometimes severe, unusual clinical manifestation of natural m. virus infection in persons with waning vaccination immunity, particularly in those who had received formaldehyde-inactivated vaccine; an accelerated allergic reaction apparently resulting from an anamnestic antibody response, characterized by high fever, absence of Koplik spots, a shortened prodromal period, atypical rash, and pneumonia.- hemorrhagic m. a severe form in which the eruption is dark in color due to effusion of blood into affected areas of the skin. SYN: black m. (1).- tropical m. a disease of uncertain character, somewhat resembling rubella, occurring in southern China.
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mea·sles 'mē-zəlz n pl but sing or pl in constr1 a) an acute contagious disease that is caused by a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus (species Measles virus), that commences with catarrhal symptoms, conjunctivitis, cough, and Koplik's spots on the oral mucous membrane, and that is marked by the appearance on the third or fourth day of an eruption of distinct red circular spots which coalesce in a crescentic form, are slightly raised, and after the fourth day of the eruption gradually decline called also rubeolab) any of various eruptive diseases (as German measles)2) infestation with or disease caused by larval tapeworms in the muscles and tissues specif infestation of cattle and swine with cysticerci of tapeworms that as adults parasitize humans compare MEASLE* * *
n.a highly infectious virus disease that tends to appear in epidemics every 2-3 years and mainly affects children. After an incubation period of 8-15 days, symptoms resembling those of a cold develop accompanied by a high fever. Small red spots with white centres (Koplik's spots) may appear on the inside of the cheeks. On the third to fifth day a blotchy slightly elevated pink rash develops, first behind the ears then on the face and elsewhere; it lasts 3-5 days. The patient is infectious throughout this period. In most cases the symptoms soon subside but patients are susceptible to pneumonia and middle ear infections. Complete recovery may take 2-4 weeks. Severe complications include encephalitis (one in 1000 cases) and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Measles is a common cause of childhood mortality in malnourished children, particularly in the developing world. Vaccination against measles provides effective immunity (see MMR vaccine). Medical names: rubeola, morbilli.* * *
mea·sles (meґzəlz) 1. a highly contagious viral disease caused by a paramyxovirus, common among children but also seen in the nonimmune of any age. The virus enters the respiratory tract via droplet nuclei, multiplies in the epithelial cells, and spreads throughout the reticuloendothelial system, producing lymphoid hyperplasia, often with characteristic giant cells known as Warthin-Finkeldey cells. The skin eruption is usually preceded by coryza, cervical lymphadenitis, Koplik spots, palpebral conjunctivitis, photophobia, myalgia, malaise, cough, and steadily mounting fever. The typical rash consists of generalized maculopapular lesions that are at first discrete but gradually become confluent, starting behind the ears and on the face and progressing rapidly down the trunk and onto the extremities. Although measles is usually benign, complications may sometimes occur, including secondary bacterial infections such as otitis media, pneumonia, or laryngitis; giant cell pneumonia in immunocompromised children, which does not involve a rash and can be fatal; and rarely, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis years after an initial measles infection. Called also morbilli and rubeola. 2. name given to some kinds of cysticercosis in domestic animals.
Medical dictionary. 2011.