
A twisting of the intestine causing obstruction; if left untreated may result in vascular compromise of the involved intestine. [L. volvo, to roll]
- cecal v. rotation and twisting of the cecum toward the left upper quadrant, with ascending colon obstruction; associated with a cecum on a long mesentery.
- gastric v. twisting of the stomach that may result in obstruction and impairment of the blood supply to the organ; it can occur in paraesophageal hernia and occasionally in eventration of the diaphragm. See organoaxial.
- mesenteroaxial v. a type of gastric v. in which the axis of twist is parallel to the line of the gastric mesentery. SEE ALSO: organoaxial.
- sigmoid v. relatively common location of v., with obstruction either proximal or distal to the sigmoid segment.

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vol·vu·lus 'väl-vyə-ləs n a twisting of the intestine upon itself that causes obstruction compare ILEUS

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twisting of part of the digestive tract, usually leading to partial or complete obstruction and sometimes reducing the blood supply, causing gangrene. A volvulus may untwist spontaneously or by manipulation, but surgical exploration is usually performed. Gastric volvulus is a twist of the stomach, usually in a hiatus hernia. Small-intestinal volvulus is twisting of part of the bowel around an adhesion. Sigmoid volvulus is a twist of the sigmoid colon, usually when this loop is particularly long. Compound volvulus (or ileosigmoid knotting) involves both the small and the large bowel.

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vol·vu·lus (volґvu-ləs) [L. volvere to twist round] obstruction due to a knotting and twisting of part of the gastrointestinal tract.

Volvulus of the colon, visualized by means of a barium enema.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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