
SYN: vestibule. [L. antechamber, entrance court]
- v. aortae [TA] SYN: aortic vestibule.
- v. bursae omentalis [TA] SYN: vestibule of omental bursa.
- v. laryngis [TA] SYN: vestibule of larynx.
- v. nasi [TA] SYN: nasal vestibule.
- v. oris [TA] SYN: oral vestibule.
- v. pudendi SYN: vestibule of vagina.
- v. vaginae [TA] SYN: vestibule of vagina.

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ves·tib·u·lum ve-'stib-yə-ləm n, pl -la -lə VESTIBULE

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ves·ti·bu·lum (vəs-tibґu-ləm) pl. vestiґbula [L.] 1. vestibule: anatomic nomenclature for a space or cavity at the entrance to a canal. 2. a depression, invagination, chamber, or cavity in the body of an organism that gives access to another such space, e.g., as the preoral chamber of certain ciliate protozoa.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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