
Any abnormality of the vestibular apparatus, e.g., Ménière disease.
- idiopathic bilateral v. slowly progressive disorder affecting young to middle-aged adults, manifested as gait unsteadiness (especially when visual cues are absent) and oscillopsia, unaccompanied by vertigo and hearing loss.
- migraine-related v. a disorder characterized by movement-associated disequilibrium, unsteadiness, space and motion discomfort, and vertigo before onset of headache.

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ves·tib·u·lop·a·thy (vəs-tib″u-lopґə-the) disease of the vestibule of the ear with dysequilibrium, oscillopsia, and often hearing loss; it is often a reaction to an ototoxic drug, although many cases are idiopathic.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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