
A genus of toxic liliaceous plants. [L. hellebore]
- V. album the rhizome has emetic and cathartic actions.
- V. viride the dried rhizome and roots contain therapeutically important alkaloids (cevadine, veratridine, jervine, pseudojervine, rubijervine, and several ester alkaloids of the base germine) used in the treatment of hypertensive disorders.

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ve·ra·trum və-'rā-trəm n
1 a) cap a genus of coarse herbs of the lily family (Liliaceae) having short poisonous rootstocks
b) any hellebore of the genus Veratrum

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Ve·ra·trum (ve-raґtrəm) [L.] a genus of plants of the genus Liliaceae. Some species contain antihypertensive alkaloids that are used medicinally; most are poisonous when eaten.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Veratrum — Ve*ra trum, n. [L. veratrum hellebore.] (Bot.) A genus of coarse liliaceous herbs having very poisonous qualities. [1913 Webster] Note: Veratrum album of Europe, and Veratrum viride of America, are both called hellebore. They grow in wet land,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Verātrum — (V. L.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Melanthacea Veratreae, 23. Kl. 1. Ordn. (6. Kl. 3. Ordn.) L.; mit sechstheiliger Blüthenhülle, 6 fast kugeligen Staubbeuteln, Frucht aus 3 oben freien Kapseln bestehend, welche zweiklappig u. vielsamig …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • veratrum — [və rā′trəm] n. 〚L: see VERATRINE〛 1. HELLEBORE (sense 2) 2. the dried rhizomes of certain hellebores, once used in medicine * * * ▪ plant genus       genus of poiso …   Universalium

  • Veratrum —   [v ; lateinisch], die Pflanzengattung Germer.   …   Universal-Lexikon

  • veratrum — [və rā′trəm] n. [L: see VERATRINE] 1. HELLEBORE (sense 2) 2. the dried rhizomes of certain hellebores, once used in medicine …   English World dictionary

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