- vectorcardiography
- The integration of scalar electrocardiographic recordings on two or three planes to produce a vectorcardiogram consisting of loops divided by a timing mechanism for all the waves of the electrocardiogram.- spatial v. three-dimensional v. in which vector loops are inscribed in frontal, sagittal, and horizontal planes.
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vec·tor·car·di·og·ra·phy -.kärd-ē-'äg-rə-fē n, pl -phies a method of recording the direction and magnitude of the electrical forces of the heart by means of a continuous series of vectors that form a curving line around a centervec·tor·car·dio·graph·ic -ē-ə-'graf-ik adj* * *
n.* * *
vec·tor·car·di·og·ra·phy (vek″tər-kahr″de-ogґrə-fe) the registration, usually by formation of a loop display on an oscilloscope, of the direction and magnitude (vector) of the moment-to-moment electromotive forces of the heart during one complete cycle, as transmitted by electrocardiographic leads.
Medical dictionary. 2011.