- vasoconstrictive
- 1. Causing narrowing of the blood vessel s. 2. SYN: vasoconstrictor (1).
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va·so·con·stric·tive -'strik-tiv adj inducing vasoconstriction <a \vasoconstrictive agent>
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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Medical dictionary. 2011.
vasoconstrictive — adjective Date: 1890 inducing vasoconstriction … New Collegiate Dictionary
vasoconstrictive — /vas oh keuhn strik tiv, vay zoh /, adj. Physiol. causing vasoconstriction. [1885 90; VASO + CONSTRICTIVE] * * * … Universalium
vasoconstrictive — adjective That causes vasoconstriction … Wiktionary
vasoconstrictive — adj. causing constriction of the blood vessels … English contemporary dictionary
vasoconstrictive — vaso·constrictive … English syllables
vasoconstrictive — adj. causing constriction of blood vessels. * * * noun any agent that causes a narrowing of an opening of a blood vessel: cold or stress or nicotine or epinephrine or norepinephrine or angiotensin or vasopressin or certain drugs; maintains or… … Useful english dictionary
Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers — At the beginning of 20th century excellent work of Landsteiner and co authors combine with significant progress in fields of heart and circulation physiology initiated development of modern transfusion medicine allowing that blood transfusion… … Wikipedia
Cardiac fibrosis — refers to an abnormal thickening of the heart valves due to inappropriate proliferation of cardiac fibroblasts. Fibrocyte cells normally secrete collagen, and function to provide structural support for the heart. When over activated this process… … Wikipedia
Haemoglobin-based oxygen carriers — Hemoglobin based oxygen carriers are one of two main types of oxygen carrying blood substitutes in development, the other one being perfluorocarbon emulsions. As of June 2008 there are no haemoglobin based oxygen carriers or perfluorocarbon… … Wikipedia
endothelins — (= ET 1, ET 2, ET 3) Group of peptide hormones (all 21 residues) released by endothelial cells. All have two disulphide bridges that hold them in a conical spiral shape. They are the most potent vasoconstrictor hormones known. Structurally… … Dictionary of molecular biology