
A duct or canal conveying any liquid, such as blood, lymph, chyle, or semen. SEE ALSO: vessel. [L. a vessel, dish]
- v. aberrans hepatis, pl.vasa aberrantia hepatis blind and/or atrophic bile duct remnants in the fibrous appendix and in the capsule of the liver at the margins of the left lobe and the groove for the inferior vena cava.
- v. aberrans of Roth an occasional diverticulum of the rete testis or of the efferent ductules of the testis.
- vasa aberrantia SYN: aberrant ductules, under ductule.
- v. afferens, pl.vasa afferentia SYN: afferent glomerular arteriole.
- v. anastomoticum [TA] SYN: anastomotic vessel.
- vasa brevia SYN: short gastric arteries, under artery.
- v. capillare [TA] SYN: capillary (2). See blood capillary, lymph capillary.
- vasa chylifera chyle vessels. See lacteal (2).
- v. collaterale SYN: collateral vessel.
- v. deferens, pl.vasa deferentia SYN: ductus deferens.
- v. efferens, pl.vasa efferentia 1. a vein carrying blood away from a part; SYN: efferent lymphatic, v. lymphaticum efferens. 2. SYN: efferent glomerular arteriole. 3. SYN: efferent ductules of testis, under ductule.
- Ferrein vasa aberrantia biliary canaliculi that are not connected with hepatic lobules.
- Haller v. aberrans SYN: inferior aberrant ductule.
- vasa lymphatica SYN: lymph vessels, under vessel.
- v. lymphaticum SYN: lymphatic (3).
- v. lymphaticum afferens SYN: afferent lymphatic.
- v. lymphaticum efferens SYN: v. efferens (1).
- v. lymphaticum profundum [TA] SYN: deep lymph vessel.
- v. lymphaticum superficiale [TA] SYN: superficial lymph vessel.
- vasa nervorum blood vessel s supplying nerves.
- vasa previa umbilical vessels presenting in advance of the fetal head, usually traversing the membranes and crossing the internal cervical os.
- v. prominens ductus cochlearis a blood vessel in the substance of the spiral prominence of the cochler duct.
- vasa recta straight vessels into which the efferent arteriole of the juxtamedullary glomeruli breaks up; they form a leash of vessels which, arising at the bases of the pyramids, run through the renal medulla toward the apex of each pyramid, then reverse direction in a hairpin turn, and run straight back again toward the base of the pyramid as venae rectae;
- vasa recta renis [TA] arteries penetrating and supplying the renal medulla (pyramids). SYN: arteriolae rectae [TA], straight arteries.
- vasa sanguinea auris internae [TA] SYN: vessels of internal ear, under vessel.
- vasa sanguinea choroideae [TA] SYN: choroid blood vessel s, under blood vessel.
- vasa sanguinea intrapulmonalia [TA] SYN: intrapulmonary blood vessel s, under blood vessel.
- vasa sanguinea retinae [TA] SYN: retinal blood vessel s, under blood vessel.
- v. sanguineum [TA] SYN: blood vessel.
- v. spirale a blood vessel, larger than its fellows, running in the tympanic layer of the basilar membrane just beneath the tunnel of Corti.
- vasa vasorum [TA] small arteries distributed to the outer and middle coats of the larger blood vessel s, and their corresponding veins. SYN: vessels of vessels.
- vasa vorticosa SYN: vorticose veins, under vein.
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vagal afferents; vascular; vascular access service; ventricular assist system; ventriculo-atrial shunt; Verapamil Angioplasty Study; vesicle attachment site; vestibular aqueduct syndrome; Veterans Adjustment Scale; vibro-acoustic stimulation; video-assisted surgery; viral arthritis syndrome; Visual Analogue Scale

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VAS abbr visual analog scale

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n. (pl. vasa)
a vessel or duct.

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(vas) pl. vaґsa [L.] vessel; a canal for carrying fluid, especially one carrying blood, lymph, or spermatozoa.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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