
SYN: smallpox. [Med. L. dim of L. varius, spotted]
- v. benigna SYN: varioloid (2).
- v. hemorrhagica SYN: hemorrhagic smallpox.
- v. major SYN: smallpox.
- v. maligna malignant smallpox, usually of the hemorrhagic form. SYN: malignant smallpox.
- v. miliaris a form of varioloid in which the eruption consists of miliary vesicles without the formation of pustules.
- v. minor SYN: alastrim.
- v. pemphigosa a form of smallpox in which the eruption consists of pemphigus-like blebs.
- v. sine eruptione an abortive form of smallpox in which the disease subsides without the appearance of any eruption, or at most a few papules that never go on to pustulation.
- v. vaccine, v. vaccinia SYN: vaccinia.
- v. vera smallpox of ordinary severity in the unvaccinated.
- v. verrucosa a mild or abortive form of varioloid, the eruption of which consists mainly of papules, with occasionally minute vesicles at the apices, which persist for a time as wartlike lesions. SYN: wartpox.

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va·ri·o·la və-'rī-ə-lə n smallpox also the poxvirus of the genus Orthopoxvirus (species Variola virus) that is the causative agent of smallpox

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va·ri·o·la (və-riґo-lə) [L.] smallpox. variolar, variolous adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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