
SYN: valvule. [Mod. L. dim. of valva]
- Amussat v. SYN: posterior urethral valves, under valve.
- valvulae anales [TA] SYN: anal valves, under valve.
- v. bicuspidalis SYN: mitral valve.
- valvulae conniventes SYN: circular folds of small intestine, under fold.
- v. foraminis ovalis [TA] SYN: valve of foramen ovale.
- v. fossae navicularis [TA] SYN: valve of navicular fossa.
- Gerlach v. SYN: trabecular tissue of sclera.
- v. lymphatica [TA] SYN: lymphatic valvule.
- v. processus vermiformis SYN: valve of vermiform appendix.
- v. semilunaris [TA] SYN: semilunar valve.
- v. semilunaris anterior valvae trunci pulmonalis anterior semilunar cusp of the pulmonary valve.
- v. semilunaris dextra valvae aortae right semilunar cusp of the aortic valve.
- v. semilunaris dextra valvae trunci pulmonalis right semilunar cusp of the pulmonary valve.
- v. semilunaris posterior valvae aortae posterior semilunar cusp of the aortic valve.
- v. semilunaris sinistra valvae aortae left semilunar cusp of the aortic valve.
- v. semilunaris sinistra valvae trunci pulmonalis left semilunar cusp of the pulmonary valve.
- v. semilunaris tarini SYN: inferior medullary velum.
- v. sinus coronarii [TA] SYN: valve of coronary sinus.
- v. spiralis SYN: spiral fold of cystic duct.
- v. tricuspidalis SYN: tricuspid valve.
- v. venae cavae inferioris [TA] SYN: valve of inferior vena cava.
- v. venosa [TA] 1. in the embryo, one of the pair of valves at the opening from the sinus venosus into the right atrium; 2. [NA] SYN: venous valve.
- v. vestibuli obsolete term for v. venosa (1).

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val·vu·la 'val-vyə-lə n, pl -lae -.lēalso -.lī a small valve or fold

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n. (pl. valvulae)
a small valve. The valvulae conniventes are circular folds of mucous membrane in the small intestine.

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val·vu·la (valґvu-lə) pl. valґvulae [L., dim of valva] [TA] valvule: a small valve; formerly used in official nomenclature to designate any valve, but now restricted to certain small valves in the body and cusps of heart valves.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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