
A particular quantitative determination. For values not given below, see the specific name. SEE ALSO: index, number. [M.E., fr. O.Fr., fr. L. valeo, to be of v.]
- acetyl v. the milligrams of KOH required to neutralize the acetic acid produced by the hydrolysis of 1 g of acetylated fat; a measure of the hydroxy acid s present in glycerides; notably high in castor oil.
- buffer v. the power of a substance in solution to absorb acid or alkali without change in pH; this is highest at a pH v. equal to the pKa v. of the acid of the buffer pair. SEE ALSO: buffer capacity. SYN: buffer index.
- buffer v. of the blood the ability of the blood to compensate for additions of acid or alkali without disturbance of the pH.
- C v. the total amount of DNA in a haploid genome.
- caloric v. the heat evolved by a food when burnt or metabolized.
- Hehner v. SYN: Hehner number.
- homing v. in a cybernetic system such as homeostasis, that v. of a trait of interest that the restorative forces are directed towards maintaining.
- iodine v. SYN: iodine number.
- maturation v. an indicator of the level of maturation attained by vaginal epithelium and used as a factor in cytohormonal evaluation from the maturation index by valuing the parabasal cells at 0.0, the intermediate cells at 0.5, and the superficial cells at 1.0; for special investigations, subtypes of a major cell can be given different values.
- normal values a set of laboratory test values used to characterize apparently healthy individuals; now replaced by reference values.
- pH v. pH.
- phenotypic v. in quantitative genetics, the metrical quantity of some trait associated with a particular phenotype.
- predictive v. an expresion of the likelihood that a given test result correlates with the presence or absence of disease. A positive predictive v. is the ratio of patients with the disease who test positive to the entire population of individuals with a positive test result; a negative predictive v. is the ratio of patients without the disease who test negative to the entire population of individuals with a negative test.
- Rf v. Rf.
- reference values a set of laboratory test values obtained from an individual or group in a defined state of health; this term replaces normal values, since it is based on a defined state of health rather than on apparent health.
- thiocyanogen v. SYN: thiocyanogen number.
- threshold limit v. (TLV) the maximum concentration of a chemical recommended by the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists for repeated exposure without adverse health effects on workers.
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Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-term Use Evaluation

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val·ue (valґu) 1. a measure of worth or efficiency. 2. a quantitative measurement of the activity, concentration, or some other quality of a substance; see normal v's.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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