
A mild form of New World or American cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania peruana, occurring in the high Andean valleys of Peru and Bolivia, and characterized by numerous small dermal lesions occurring almost exclusively on exposed skin surfaces; the dog is an important reservoir. Unlike all other forms of American cutaneous leishmaniasis, this disease is found at high elevations (2000–2500 m) in barren open country, rather than in lowland tropical forests. [Sp.]

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uta 'üt-ə n a leishmaniasis of the skin occurring in Peru: ESPUNDIA

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(ooґtah) [from Peruvian Indian name for the disease] a form of New World cutaneous leishmaniasis occurring in the Peruvian Andes, caused by Leishmania peruviana, probably transmitted by Lutzomyia verrucarum and L. peruensis, and characterized by the presence of just a few ulcerlike, self-limited lesions.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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