
A mixture of nonvolatile hydrocarbons, derivatives of catechol with unsaturated C15 or C17 side chains, constituting the active allergen of the irritant oil of poison ivy, Toxicodendron radicans, poison oak, T. diversilobum, and the Asiatic laquer tree, T. verniciferum. [Jap. urushi, lac, + L. oleum, oil]
- u. oxidase SYN: laccase.

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uru·shi·ol (y)-'-shē-.ȯl, -.ōl n a mixture of pyrocatechol derivatives with saturated or unsaturated side chains of 15 or 17 carbon atoms that is an oily toxic irritant principle present in poison ivy and some related plants of the genus Rhus

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uru·shi·ol (u-rooґshe-ol) a mixture of oleoresins found in the leaves and stems of various plants; it is one of the most common causes of allergic contact dermatitis (see urushiol dermatitis, under dermatitis). The most common urushiol-containing plants are in the family Anacardiaceae, such as in the genera Rhus (Toxicodendron), Anacardium, Mangifera, Schinus, and Semecarpus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • urushiol — Resina tóxica de la savia de ciertas plantas del género Rhus, como el roble venenoso y el zumaque venenoso, que produce dermatitis de contacto tóxica en muchas personas. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones… …   Diccionario médico

  • urushiol — [o͞o′ro͞o shē ôl΄, o͞o ro͞o′shē ôl΄; o͞o ro͞o shēōl΄] n. [Jpn urushi, lac tree, lacquer + OL1: coined (1907) by Toshiyuki Mashima, who isolated it] a poisonous, irritant liquid, C21H32O2, present in poison ivy, poison sumac, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Urushiol — For information on urushiol poisoning, see Urushiol induced contact dermatitis. Urushiol (pronEng|ʊˈruːʃiɒl) is an oil found in plants of the Family Anacardiaceae, especially Toxicodendron spp. ( e.g. poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac). It …   Wikipedia

  • Urushiol — L’urushiol est une toxine organique que l on trouve dans les plantes de la famille des Anacardiaceae, spécialement dans le genre Toxicodendron (par exemple le sumac grimpant en Amérique du Nord). Il provoque des allergies de la peau ou dermatites …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Urushiol — El urushiol es un aceite que se encuentra en ciertas plantas de la familia de las Anacardiaceae, especialmente el Toxicodendron spp.. Se encuentra también en la piel de los anacardos (Anacardium occidentale), en algunos casos provoca una especie… …   Wikipedia Español

  • urushiol — noun ʊˈɹuʃiˌɔl An oil found in plants of the family Anacardiaceae, causing an allergic skin rash on contact; consists of a variable mixture of several organic compounds. All three produce an oil, called urushiol, that is a potent allergen.… …   Wiktionary

  • urushiol — Poison Poi son, n. [F. poison, in Old French also, a potion, fr. L. potio a drink, draught, potion, a poisonous draught, fr. potare to drink. See {Potable}, and cf. {Potion}.] 1. Any agent which, when introduced into the animal organism, is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • urushiol — urušiolis statusas T sritis chemija formulė (HO)₂C₆H₃(CH₂)₇CH=CH(CH₂)₆H atitikmenys: angl. urushiol rus. урушиол ryšiai: sinonimas – 3 (8 pentadecenil) 1,2 benzendiolis …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Urushiol-induced contact dermatitis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 L23.7 ICD 9 692.6 …   Wikipedia

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