- urethrobulbar
- SYN: bulbourethral.
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ure·thro·bul·bar (u-re″thro-bulґbər) bulbourethral.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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ure·thro·bul·bar (u-re″thro-bulґbər) bulbourethral.Medical dictionary. 2011.
bulbourethral — Relating to the bulbus penis and the urethra. SYN: urethrobulbar. * * * bul·bo·ure·thral yu̇ rē thrəl adj of or relating to the bulb of the penis and the urethra * * * bul·bo·ure·thral (bul″bo u reґthrəl) pertaining to the bulb of the… … Medical dictionary