
Condition in which the external sex organs are prematurely enlarged or abnormally enlarged. In males, it is caused by an excess of the hormone androgen during fetal development. In females, the clitoris may be enlarged enough to resemble a small penis. Macrogenitosomia is associated with hormonal disorders, which may also create changes in the internal sex organs.
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Excessive bodily and genital development. [macro- + L. genitalis, genital, + G. soma, body]
- m. praecox a disorder in which gonadal maturation (puberty) and the adolescent growth spurt in bodily height occur in the first decade of life; often associated with a pineal tumor or lesions in hypothalamic areas known to regulate gonadotrophin secretion. SYN: Pellizzi syndrome.
- m. praecox suprarenalis precocious somatic growth and isosexual maturation of secondary sexual characteristics, resulting from an adrenocortical tumor.

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mac·ro·gen·i·to·so·mia .mak-rō-.jen-i-tə-'sō-mē-ə n premature excessive development of the external genitalia

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mac·ro·gen·i·to·so·mia (mak″ro-jen″ĭ-to-soґme-ə) [macro- + genito- + soma + -ia] excessive somatic growth, with unusual enlargement of the genital organs.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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