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ura·no·staph·y·lor·rha·phy (u″rə-no-staf″ə-lorґə-fe) [urano- + staphylo- + -rrhaphy] suture of both the soft and hard palate. See also palatorrhaphy.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • uranostaphyloplasty — Repair of a cleft of both hard and soft palates. SYN: uranostaphylorrhaphy. [urano + G. staphyle, uvula, + plasso, to form] * * * ura·no·staph·y·lo·plas·ty .yu̇r ə nō staf ə lə .plas tē n, pl ties PALATOPLASTY * * * ura·no·staph·y·lo·plas·ty… …   Medical dictionary

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