
SYN: nail (1). [L.]
- u. aduncus SYN: ingrown nail.
- u. avis SYN: calcarine spur.
- Haller u. SYN: calcarine spur.
- u. incarnatus SYN: ingrown nail.

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un·guis 'əŋ-gwəs, 'ən- n, pl un·gues -.gwēz a fingernail or toenail

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a fingernail or toenail. See nail.

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un·guis (ungґgwis) pl. unґgues [L.] 1. [TA] nail: the horny cutaneous plate on the dorsal surface of the distal end of the terminal phalanx of a finger or toe, made up of flattened epithelial scales developed from the stratum lucidum of the skin. 2. a naillike part or structure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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