
1. Any hook-shaped process or structure. 2. The anterior, hooked extremity of the parahippocampal gyrus on the basomedial surface of the temporal lobe; the anterior face of the u. corresponds to the olfactory cortex, its ventral surface to the entorhinal area; deep to the u. lies the amygdala (amygdaloid body). SYN: uncinate gyrus, u. gyri parahippocampalis. [L. a hook, fr. G. onkos]
- u. gyri parahippocampalis SYN: u. (2).

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un·cus 'əŋ-kəs n, pl un·ci 'ən-. a hooked anatomical part or process specif the anterior curved end of the parahippocampal gyrus

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any hook-shaped structure, especially a projection of the lower surface of the cerebral hemisphere that is composed of cortex belonging to the temporal lobe.

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un·cus (ungґkəs) [L. âœhookâ] hook; an anatomical structure that is long, thin, and curved like a hook. [TA] the medially curved anterior end of the parahippocampal gyrus; called also u. gyri parahippocampalis.

Uncus, in an inferior view of a cerebral hemisphere.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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